This sexy bastard has started a collaboration revolving around the critically-acclaimed Dark Knight on the BBS. Any great animator who really enjoyed the Batman movies, comics, or even cartoons should definitely look into joining this collab. Batman is one of the most realistic--and not to mention badass--superheroes there are, and swiftstylerX feels it is his duty to make an amazing tribute to him. That's where you guys come in!
Remember, this collab is NOT entirely based on the Dark Knight movie alone, but rather the Batman series in general. Hell, you don't even have to include Batman in your part! You can focus solely on a villain or other character in the Batman universe, and perhaps dig deeper into how their lives may have been. Extreme violence is definitely allowed in the collab, so anyone who loves creating a good fight scene should look into joining.
A 3.75 BA is required to join, but we [SwiftStylerX and I] can be rather lenient towards that rule. We've already accepted a few members who do not quite meet the requirements but have somehow proven their abilities.
If you want to know the more specific details about the collab, take a look in the BBS thread. 0435
Let's try and make this collab as successful as its blockbuster counterpart; if you think you can contribute, let us know. However gay he may be, Batman still kicks ass.
This actually sounds good...
Let me think about this...